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1st Carnforth Scout Group

Everything you need to know about Carnforth Scouting and our amazing Base Camp


1st Carnforth Scout Group runs different sections, offering scouting from 4 years old to 14 years old.

Please click on the relevant icon below for more information on each section. 



1st Carnforth Scout Group is always interested to welcome new Volunteers.

You might want to help at section meetings, so whether you have the time to volunteer every week, or just occasionally, with our Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs & Scouts sections then please let us know.

We also need volunteers with special skills – like art & crafts, DIY, outdoor pursuits, sports, cooking, administration, or many other things – and also help doing maintenance around BaseCamp. Perhaps being a Trustee, or helping in the background is more of interest?

1st Carnforth Scout Group is managed a team of TrusteesIan HainesChair  /  Becky ParkerGroup Scout Leader   / Helen NugentTreasurer  / Sara CookSecretary  / Fiona Tanton & Tanya HarrisSocial Organisation  / Phil Sharples, Eric Harris & Stephen TownsonBuilding & Grounds  / Kath BromilowCommunity link.

If you have any spare time to volunteer then please contact any of the Trustees or Becky on 07894 702 634 (email at 



The Gardening Club meets every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 10am to 12 Noon at our BaseCamp in Carnforth. We do lots of maintenance jobs – pruning, digging, planting, painting, sweeping, raking and lots more.

You don’t need to have any special skills and we promise a fun couple of hours with friendly people and a warm brew. No need to book, just turn up and give it a go … Everyone is Welcome !

Click on the icon for more information about the Gardening Club.